
Your Health, Our Priority

Whether it’s pediatric care or orthopedic solutions, Dr. Vivek Shrivastava is committed to your well-being. Explore our comprehensive services, backed by years of experience and a passion for healing.

Radial Club Hand

Non-surgical treatment with stretches and splints is usually required. In more severe types of radial club hand, stretches and splints are used. These are used before surgery to stretch the soft tissues.

Club Foot

Foot deformity present in new born since birth. Foot looks crooked, turned inside. Mostly it is diagnosed when antenatal scan is done.

Foot Deformities

Any condition which alters the shape or structure of the foot into something painful or harmful.

Flat foot

If you see your child is walking with flat foot ,then child needs assessment to rule out condition in which bones of foot are not in proper alignment.

Vertical Talus

Vertical talus is foot deformity in which bone situated above heel bone is deviated downwards leading to loss of arch ,pain and sometimes would in lower side of foot.


Neck Torticollis-Child keep neck towards one side, leads to functional and cosmetic problems.If there is muscular involvement it can be corrected by simple surgery.


Polydactyly is a condition in which a baby is born with one or more extra fingers.  The extra fingers are usually small and abnormally developed.

Aneurysmal bone cysts

Aneurysmal bone cysts are non-malignant, tumor-like, vascular lesions comprised of blood-filled channels. Although they can occur in any bone.

Radioulnar Synostosis

This is a rare condition in which the two bones of the forearm — the radius and the ulna — are abnormally connected. This limits rotation of the arm. Radioulnar synostosis is usually congenital It can also occur as the result of a forearm fracture or trauma.

Humerus Varus Before

Child was unable to use his shoulder fully. Full range of movement after surgery.

Humerus Varus After

Child was unable to use his shoulder fully. Full range of movement after surgery.

Knock Knee

Suffering from this condition leads knee touching each other and foot have a gap in between.

Knee Deformities Before

Genu valgum (knock-kneed): Head of tibia/fibula (not the joint itself), is inclined away from the midline of the body.

Knee Deformities After

Genu valgum (knock-kneed): Head of tibia/fibula (not the joint itself), is inclined away from the midline of the body.

Cerebral palsy

When child has delayed milestone and history prematurity, delayed cry, epilepsy, suspicious of suffering from cerebral palsy.